Friday, 2 March 2012

When does it stop???

I already feel bad posting this, but I'm getting very close to the end of my patience. I'm not sure if I've just had a bad week (I don't think I have) or things are just all getting on top of me, but I just had to write this to let off some steam...and maybe make others understand what some days living with diabetes is actually like. 

Right now, I just feel like I'm lost. The more I try to manage my diabetes, the more problems I seem to have. As soon as I 'fix' one problem, another one emerges. I still haven't heard any news about the pump, but I know I just need to be patient...but that emotional rollercoaster isn't helping.

I'm fed up with testing ALL the time.
I'm fed up with all the injections, and adjustment injections.
I'm fed up with having to inject my basal twice a day.
I'm fed up with not being able to just eat, without having to numerically analyse it.
I'm fed up with having to test and make sure my levels are at a certain number before driving...TWICE a day!
I'm fed up with hypos before I go to bed, making me sleep deprived,
I'm fed up with hypos or highs at inconvenient times that stop or delay me doing something. I'm just plain fed up.

For once I'd like to get up, without having to think about anything more than getting dressed.
I'd like to just eat, just because I was hungry, with no other thought.
I'd like to just get in my car and drive.
I'd like to just decide to go to bed...and that it could just be so, without a blood test, adjustment dose, and then a basal injection.
I'd like to be able to leave the house with just my keys and phone...without checking I have my blood test kit, that I have enough strips, that I've got my injection, spare needles, spare cartridges, fast acting sugar for hypos, slow releasing carbs for recovery and a book to record it all down in.

I don't want this post to reflect negatively on diabetics, but sometimes, just sometimes, it can all seem like too much. I know I have a lot of things to be thankful for in my life, and things I should be thankful I haven't got.

I'm sure I'll be back to being positive about my D soon, but for now, this is where my head's at.


  1. Great post Katie. I don't think there can be anyone living with D who has not felt just like this from time to time.

    Hang in there - darkest hour is just before the dawn and all that.

  2. Hi Katie,

    I was wondering if you accepted any guest posting on your site. I couldn’t manage to find your email on the site. If you could get a hold of me at, I would greatly appreciate it!

