Monday, 19 September 2011

The cost of diabetes

I have never really worried, or given much thought to the costs of having diabetes, other than getting mad when bad press goes on about what a drain we are on the NHS.

Until, that is, I ran out of blood test strips whilst on holiday earlier this month (I know, epic diabetic fail!) my defence, I never really tested anywhere near as much as I should until recently, so running out of test strips was not something I'd ever really needed to worry about. 

When I get mad at the reporters or supposed 'documentaries' telling the world what a drain diabtetics are on the NHS, there's a big part of me that just wants to scream at them...."I DIDN'T ASK FOR THIS!!!!!!!!!". But my thoughts never really went any further than that. But, although I believe we should be entitled to it, I do believe we should be appreciative of what we actually do get.

On holiday I ended up in Boots as I felt I deserved to pay for my test strips for running out in the first place, and also because I was too embarrassed (& lazy) to go to A&E and admit to a dr I'd run out and get them to write me a prescription and then go back to Boots! What I wasn't expecting, was the ridiculous prices!! I had no idea they cost that much - £28 for 50 test strips, which with the way I'm testing at the moment would probably last me only 10 days!!!! Never before than at that moment did I have such an appreciation for all prescriptions I've had, and all those that I have yet to have.

And furthermore, that was only the cost for 10 days worth of test strips....I cannot imagine the costs associated with the insulin, needles, blood test kits (although I did see in Boots you could buy a kit for the same price as the strips!)...and then you get all the annual diabetes check ups with consultants, your appointments with your DSNs, the dietician, your blood tests, your urine tests, eye tests....on top of that you then have courses like DAFNE. The list is just endless, and I'd hate to try and cost out what treatment I have already received, let alone what it's likely to be in my life time.

I also have a newfound respect for T2s who have doctors who won't prescribe test strips and so if you want to monitor your levels and take control of your diabetes care, you have to swallow the cost. I salute you. I think that would be enough to make me throw in the towel and admit defeat.

And next time I get a prescription made up, I will have a whole new outlook and appreciation.

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